Peer Review & Policies

Peer Review & Policies

Peer Review Process

Double Blinded peer review process is followed for Journal of Research & Reviewers in Social Sciences Pakistan in which the identity of the authors and the reviewers is kept confidential. On receiving a manuscript the Editor checks the quality and scope of the journal if the quality of the submitted manuscript is sufficient and if it falls within the scope of the journal, the manuscript ID is assigned to the journal and it is then sent to two international and one national reviewers, provided that no conflict of interests exists between these reviewers and the manuscript’s authors.

Reviewers provide comments and critiques in a confidential, constructive, prompt and unbiased manner appropriate for their position of responsibility. Collegiality, respect for author’s dignity and the research for ways to improve the quality of the manuscript characterize the review process.
Reviewer Recommendation to Editor

The reviewers will submit their reports on the manuscripts along with their recommendation of one of the following actions to the Editor:

  • Publish in its present form
  • Consider after Minor Changes
  • Consider after Major Changes
  • Reject
Editorial Recommendation

After receiving reports from all reviewers, the Editor can make one of the following editorial recommendations:

  • Publish in its present form
  • Consider after Minor Changes
  • Consider after Major Changes
  • Reject

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